Chapter Zero:


The whole Trojan army listened to the warning of Apollo. They retreated and went inside the gates of Troy. They were like a child trembling with fear. They were afraid to die in the hands of Achilles. They didn't want to suffer under the hands of the mighty beast. Hector was still on the battlements waiting for the return of Achilles. King Priam and Queen Hecuba tried to convince him to retreat. But Hector persisted to fight the Achaeans. By nature, Hector never gives up in battle. He has the heart of a true warrior and leader. He will never surrender his beloved city of Troy until to the point of his death.

Upon seeing Hector outside the gates, Zeus lifted his golden scale to determine the fate of the two great warriors. Hector's scale sinks to the ground. Zeus wanted to save Hector from his fate but Athena persuades him.

Apollo made his move. He left the Mount Olympus to help Hector in battle because the other gods were unfair. Hector will definitely lose the battle for Achilles was protected by gods and with the armor of Hephaestus. Apollo informed Paris about his brother's fate and convinces him to join Hector in fighting Achilles. In this way Hector would be saved from death. Paris prepared himself for the battle. He wore his iron helmet, plate mail together with his shoulder and shin guards made by the greatest Trojan blacksmith. He tied his bow and arrow across his back and picked up the sharp spear made of ivory and bronze. He bade goodbye to his lovely lady, Helen of Troy. He went to the battlement at his full speed. When Paris arrived, Hector was surprised.

Hector said…

My brother what brought you here? It seems that you have made up your mind. Paris replied… I was inspired by Apollo Shoot Afar and he informed me about your fate. You will die in the hands of Achilles and you will be fed to the dogs and vultures in their camp. But I would not allow such thing to happen to my dear brother. You cannot defeat that beast alone but with the two of us nothing would be impossible. The gods of Olympus were astounded when they saw Paris on the battlefield.

Athena was mad for Apollo intervened in the battle. She decided to go to the shores of Troy to help Achilles but Aphrodite and Ares prevented her.

Paris and Hector prepare their spears when they saw Achilles coming like a bull.



Achilles made the first strike but it missed Paris for Apollo casted a shield that repelled the attack. Achilles was out of balance because of the missed strike. Hector casted his spear and went to the chest plate of Achilles. Achilles strike back but it missed Hector.


Paris shot his arrows and hit one of the horses of Achilles. Achilles immediately released the wounded horse. Hector cast his spear for the second time but it missed. Achilles countered the attack and wounded Hector on the left shoulder.

Paris saw the weakness of Achilles in that encounter. Paris and Hector ran around the shore and planned their attack. Hector did his move which serves as a decoy for Achilles. Achilles dodged the attack making his legs open. Paris aimed and shot his arrow at full strength. The blazing arrow struck the legs of Achilles until his heel. Achilles groaned in agony. Hector and Paris left their chariots and approached dying Achilles. Achilles accepted his defeat. Hector promised him a good burial.

Thetis and the Olympian gods cried in sorrow for their strongest warrior had died under the Trojans. The Achaeans settled an agreement with the Trojans requesting for the corpse of Achilles. The whole Achaean fleet retreated with Achilles' corpse and that ended the hundred years of war.




"For a young man all is decent when he is killed in battle; he may be mangled with wounds, all is honorable in his death whatever may come."
(by King Priam, Iliad Book 22)


This is a wish of every warrior, to die in battle. If a warrior dies in battle, he will be honored and his name shall be exalted. This statement says the right attitude towards battle. We shouldn't be afraid to respond to the call of help even if our lives are at stake. We should have the courage to respond to God's call of service. We should have the courage to face death for our lives will all come to an end. It is better to die in honor rather than to die in shame.

*** A character analysis of Patroclus"


What could be the possible "reactions" of both the Trojan and Greek army when they realized that it was Patroclus who was killed? Give a narration for both sides.

There will be different reactions between the Trojan and Greek army when they realized that it was Patroclus who was killed. On the side of the Trojans, at first they will rejoice and be glad for they thought that it was Achilles who was killed. They will jump for joy for their strongest foe was dead. Trojans and Lycians will feel a sudden relief because there will be a little chance for the Greeks in destroying the walls and conquering their beloved City of Troy. They will feel fulfillment in their hearts for their hardships and sacrifices didn't end up with nothing. Hector and Euphorbos will be proud of themselves because they have killed the world's greatest warrior, Achilles. Trojans will consider Hector a hero for saving the sacred walls of Troy from the mighty beast, Achilles. They will pay much honor to him by saving them on the battlefield. The whole Trojan army will have their spirits uplifted and they will have the strong drive to fight the Greeks. But, when they realized that it was Patroclus who was killed their positive reactions will change. Trojans will be terrified for they know that Achilles will revenge for his brother Patroclus. The death of Patroclus will send the mighty Achilles into battle and this might be the end of Troy for no man can ever defeat Achilles. Upon knowing Patroclus' death, Trojans will prepare themselves for the retaliation of Achilles.

On the side of the Greeks, first, they will be sad and hopeless for they knew that Achilles was killed. They will mourn for the death of their greatest warrior. They will feel hopeless because Achilles is the only one who can defeat Hector and put an end to the city of Troy. But when they notice that Patroclus was the one who died, they will be confident in the war because they knew that Achilles will revenge for the lost of his brother.


Based on these reactions, who was Patroclus as a warrior, and as a man?

As a man, Patrolus is an understanding brother. He understands the resentment of his elder brother, Achilles. He respects every decision of Achilles and obeys it at once for he thinks that his brother knows best. Patroclus was entirely opposite of Achilles in terms of attitudes. He is a kind-hearted man for he responded to the call of the Greeks when their ships were near to destruction. He values the lives of his comrades.

As a warrior, Patroclus was like his brother. He was superior in terms of spearmanship. He was the greatest spear man next to Achilles. He is strong and well-skilled during the war but his negligence to his brother's warning results to his death. He became over confident when he had killed a number of Trojans in battle so he struggles to go near the walls of Troy but Apollo prevented him. His disobedience led him to destruction and the worst was his death.




"Let each man turn straight to the front, come death, come life- that's how war and battle kiss and prattle"

(By Hector- Book XVII p. 250)

In this passage, Hector was trying to convince his man in taking the body of Patroclus from the Greeks. Hector showed greediness for he didn't care of his comrades, all he wants is to have the armor of Achilles. Hector didn't have respect to the body of the dead. He didn't realize that he was lucky for having Apollo on his side. If Apollo didn't intervene, he may be killed.

In this passage, Homer conveys the reality of the war/battle. In a war there is always winners and losers; you can be either alive or dead. Homer was trying to say that war has no benefits at all. War has always a painful cost which is our precious gift of life. Misunderstandings can be resolved through peace talks and conversations not by war/battle. Only God can take our lives because he is our Creator. Our borrowed lives cannot be taken by arms only God has the right to take it.